Who might benefit from professional coaching?  Someone...

  • Whose behaviours may be inhibiting performance or creating tension within the team/among colleagues
  • Looking for help with developing or strengthening critical leadership and management skills
  • Who wants to cultivate intrinsic motivation so that s/he is leading committed and willing ‘followers’
  • Who is undergoing change—a new position, project, reorganisation—and needs help navigating the turbulent waters
  • Who has a true desire to develop, and is personally committed to a coaching process
We help people chrystalise their vision of how they would like to grow and develop, supporting them as they gain valuable insights about their presence -- as managers, leaders, colleagues, and employees.  Once that vision has been defined, we work together to develop and implement an actionable plan that is based on real-life learning opportunities that surface in the day to day.

Programs typically consist of a series of weekly or bi-weekly 60-90-minute meetings between coach and client over the period of a few months.  Together, we define the desired outcomes, explore and discuss any behaviours or attitudes that may be impeding progress, and determine the best approach for developing the self-awareness, strategies and capabilities to achieve the desired results. 

Scroll across for some of our corporate clients