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Trusting our Instincts

When’s the last time you found yourself with no GPS signal (and no map) yet you managed to find your destination?  Likely you relied on your instincts because what else could you do?  

Instinct is our inclination to act in a certain way, and it comes from both innate (inborn) as well as learned elements through impressions and experiences -- like connecting dots without knowing how.  

Some of our most memorable leaders trust their instincts. Malcolm Gladwell, author of “Blink” wrote: "Great decision makers aren't those who process the most."  This runs contrary to what most people think--the more we analyze, the better our decision.  We see this at work and we know doing so underplays our instincts.

Sri Sharma, founder and managing director of Net Media Planet, calls instinct his “personal radar” …"Often the data you analyse confirms the instinct of your personal radar, but it can't replace it. Instinct is vital."  While data is important, it’s not the answer.  Our interpretation is.  

The balance between insight and instinct is key for managers. We must rely on instinct, while keeping emotions in check since emotional responses may blind us to our instincts.  

How do we access them more readily? By getting out of our heads through engaging in new learning experiences. Like our “Learning from Leaders” program delivered online AND face to face.  Designed by 3 professional consultants in English, Swedish and German, Eva P Svensson, Heike Andreschak and I invite you to give it a try!   

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Are Diverse Teams Better?

Working with people who hold diverse views can be challenging.  While there are some definite advantages-- there are some important caveats to consider as well.

Let’s start with why diverse teams are potentially smarter and higher performing:

  • They’re more likely to be objective, revisiting facts from various perspectives.  
  • Because they’re exposed to others’ views, they become more aware of their own biases while keeping one another ‘in check’.  
  • They may be better at decision-making because they are forced to consider views that may, at first glance, seem counterintuitive.  
  • There’s far less risk of falling into the “conformity trap” which can stifle innovative thinking.  
And the list goes on BUT, is it that easy? Not really.  Why? Because the potential for conflict and disruption is higher when working with people who are dissimilar from one another (Riordan, 2000; Williams & O’Reilly, 1998) Communication breakdowns, low sense of cohesion and high turnover often typify diverse teams to a much higher degree than homogenous teams. Leveraging and managing diversity is no easy feat. Successful execution really depends upon a whole host of factors relating to how it’s managed.

The probability of success will depend on things like company culture, values, strategy-- as well as top leadership.  In fact, a key success element is full commitment by senior management to any diversity initiatives, programs and messaging because if there ARE barriers to diversity, they often are deeply rooted within the organization.  Understandably people look up at, and mirror the behavior of those in more senior roles so the actions of management play a crucial role.

In summary, diversity can be a “double-edged sword” (Milliken & Martins), -- one that can‘specifically improve group processes on some tasks and lead to higher-quality solutions while on the other hand, also decreasing cohesion and all too often disrupting group processes.’

What challenges and/or gains are you seeing in your diverse teams?


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Get a Jump on the Trust Train

Trusting someone can feel like a bit of a gamble.  After all, we’re not mind readers, but we do try to figure out if others are trustworthy.   It takes time to build trust, often requiring a series of repeated interactions and experiences.  These days not only is time a precious commodity, but the opportunity for meaningful interactions is limited, especially at work.

Yet we all know that trust is at the core of success, for employees, colleagues, teams, and entire organizations.  The pandemic has made gaining trust even more challenging with people worldwide working from home.  It’s different, it’s stressful, and it leaves little time to strengthen key relationships in the office. 

As a coach and consultant, I too work from home and must build that all-too-critical rapport through zoom.  Although we see one another on zoom, it’s hard to pick up the nuances that characterize our interactions when we’re physically in the same room.  

Onboarding during Covid is another great example in which reaching out and establishing mutual trust early on is essential.  Even though we know how important it is to express, acknowledge, invite and share our joys and concerns with others, it’s very challenging to do that remotely with people with whom we have had little face time.  

Recent studies reveal that although acknowledging/sharing our negative emotions (things that bother us) leads to stronger connections with others, it doesn’t happen as often as would be beneficial because people simply don’t feel comfortable doing so (“Can I trust these people?”), and it takes too long (“We don't have time for this, we have ‘real’ work to do…”) 

So here we are.  The need for trust is greater than ever because most of us are working remotely, yet time is running, and it takes even longer to develop trust than it did when we most of us were in the office.  So, what can you do? Well…

  • Demonstrating competence and delivering high quality results will help build trust in your capabilities.
  • Being specific, listening actively (with intent to learn) and demonstrating empathy go a long way in building trust in your communication
  • Acting with integrity, living by your moral principles, and communicating honestly and openly builds trust in your level of commitment

Still, one of the most important types of trust remains the most elusive—and time consuming.  In my work, I need to get to the heart of the matter quickly for my clients. I need to gain their trust early on, and sometimes it can take time for them to open up.  

I have begun using a unique type of assessment that enables me to read between the lines with ease.  I can understand with whom I’m engaging in very little time, which enables us to “get down to business” quickly.  Not only have I applied it in my 1:1 interactions, but I’ve invited entire teams to complete it and the outcomes have been remarkable.

Team members can easily compare and contrast their similarities and differences with any other team member without fear or judgement.  They begin to understand what’s behind a colleagues’ behavior, viewing it with appreciation rather than annoyance.  An holistic view of the entire team enables them to see their collective strengths and gaps, providing an open platform for exploration driven by compassion, curiosity and commitment.  

I love this tool for its simplicity and comprehensiveness.  Other tools seem too prescriptive for my taste. I don’t much like being labeled as a color or a box. This tool prompts people to think more deeply about who they are and why they do what they do.  And provides me with enough information to get a sense of the person with whom I’m speaking.  


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How Can We Beat Burnout?

Overwhelm can come all too quickly these days.  
Our lives have become increasingly complex—often beyond what we can handle.  The increasing complexity we’re all facing makes it harder to make sense of what we see/hear and more challenging to in this dynamic environment. 

So we plug along, committed to working harder instead of re-examining what’s happening.  We end up feeling confused, tired and forgetful which makes us less effective and contributes to the feeling of overwhelm.  What can you do?  A few things:

1.     Establish parameters. Choose the projects of most importance to you.  Limit the time you’ll spend on different tasks or activities.  Practice saying “no”.

2.    Settle for less.  In other words, own up to being a perfectionist if that fits.  Be reasonable about when “good” is good enough.  (Like the building a better mousetrap example!). Pick the things you really want to excel at and allow yourself to be just “ok” in other things.

3.    Identify the culprit. Try to think of the 1 or 2 things wearing you down.  Can you break them down into (more) manageable parts?  If it’s something you need to finish that’s hanging over your head, carve the time and get it done.

4.   Identify your mental models.  What beliefs might be limiting you?  Are there assumptions about “what might happen if…”?  Talk through them with others with the aim of understanding that they’re likely not 100% accurate.  

5.    Let go of what others can do instead. Often one of the hardest things to do, hand off to others things that don’t leverage your time well.  In other words, what can you delegate? (This requires painful honesty, but well worth it!)

Burnout will still happen from time to time but knowing there is something we can do lighten the load will make all the difference.  The next time you’re feeling unwelcome weight on your shoulders, pick a few from the above list and give it a try!  

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What's Ahead for You?

What’s ahead for you and leaders like you?

That depends upon whether you’re willing to think “personal and collective transformation”.  Transformation must begin with leaders—and their teams.  

Of the nearly 4400 global leaders participating in a research study conducted by MIT Sloan Management Review in collaboration with Cognizant, less than 10% believe their company’s leadership has the right skills to prosper going forward.  The study explored how the future of leadership is being influenced by changes in our society, work and the nature of competition and what needs to change as the future unfolds.  My focus is on the need for leaders to be more open and self-reflective, encouraging the same for all those within their sphere of influence. Their research supports that need!

Many of the terms we may view as mere buzzwords, are not.  Things like transparency, authenticity, collaboration, and empathy mean something for leaders who are on the rise.  Taking it a step further, the study underscores the importance of longstanding attributes that many have been lost along the way—integrity, trust, honesty, inspiration… all critical elements too.  

Mindset is at the core for leaders looking to create leadership among the ranks.  They work to identify, encourage and leverage individual talents and capabilities and they do so by paying attention to some very specific behaviors critical to their success:  Nurturing passion, demonstrating authenticity and empathy, behaving in an inclusive way, being humble, being purpose-driven, and working beyond “perceived’ boundaries.  

The ‘what’ is always easier than the ‘how’ but it begins with an open, honest, 360 degree, unfiltered assessment.  If you can live with the answers, if you can see them for what they are—an opportunity to transform and grow, helping others to do the same, you will be happier, healthier, and undoubtedly more successful…

Source:  D. Ready, C. Cohen, D. Kiron, and B. Pring, “The New Leadership Playbook for the Digital Age,” MIT Sloan Management Review, January 2020.

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Intuition is a Virtue

Has anyone ever called you crazy for your ideas?  

If yes, you’re off and running. Some say one predictor of success is having an idea that makes other people squirm.  Because intuition leads us to make connections others may miss.  And although we won’t always be right, we are being real. 


But intuition alone is insufficient. Brain science says we still need field experience and knowledge combined with skill, planning and management to bring our intuitive ideas to fruition.  


Consider Uber.  CEO Travis Kalanick got plenty of pushback when he wanted to charge more for service during high demand times.  People were angry but he stuck with his idea and now his “dynamic pricing” approach is an integral part of Uber’s business—so much so that other companies are trying out the concept.  Or take the Sierra Club’s President, Adam Werback who took on a consulting engagement for WalMart. People scorned him, saying he was selling out as a conservationist.  But his intuition led him to pursue change from the inside of Walmart--- which he did by introducing their Personal Sustainability Project resulting in some 40+% of their employees embracing sustainability practices. 


So being able to make tough decisions based on intuition is a key quality of great leaders.  If you’re feeling hesitant, you’re not alone.  Try taking the leap of faith and you may just be surprised by where you land!


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If we were like horses...

If we moved like a horse herd, we would move in alignment.
If we communicated like horses, we would need no words.
If we lived in the moment like horses, we would never hold grudges.
If we lived like horses, we would known and respect everyone's place in the herd.
If we intuited like horses, we would be making healthier choices.
If we teamed like horses, we would respect the leader, support others, and look to the horizon.

We’re not horses and yet the examples they provide are endless.  
We can learn by watching, touching, and moving with them.  It's that simple---and that profound.

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Are YOU New to Management?


Were you recently promoted to a management position? 


If the answer is “yes”, your promotion may have been based on your stellar record as a technical expert.  And while it likely feels great to be recognized for your accomplishments, the experience can also be both overwhelming and stressful since many newly promoted managers don’t yet have the experience, tools or knowledge to support, guide and develop a team effectively.  


Before your promotion, your education and acquired skills were directly applicable to what you were being asked to do in your day to day but all that’s changed.  Now you’re faced with “less tangible” challenges for which you may be feeling ill-equipped to address.  Things may have seemed straightforward on the surface but you’re not achieving the outputs you need.  You’re coming face to face with the fact that your promotion was much more than a simple change in your title…


Take a pause and reflect a moment.  Remember that you were promoted because of your POTENTIAL.  In other words, you have a set of strengths that were deemed important by your leadership for your success as a manager.  The first thing to do is take stock of those strengths and play to them…


What are yours?  Are you a good problem solver?  A good listener?  Do people tend to trust you and open up?  Do you think critically?  Are you analytical or are you adept at seeing the bigger picture?  Whatever your strengths are, the find a way to leverage and express them in YOUR unique approach to leading.  Start by thinking about what got you where you are now. For example:


·      You likely figured things out on your own rather than running to someone else for answers.  Likewise, not only are you not expected to have all the answers, by allowing your team members to work through problems on their own first, discovering at least parts of the solution--you’ll be giving them an important opportunity to develop. 


·      What’s your approach to parsing out the work?  Are you someone who takes a directive approach and tells people what needs to be done? Or are you more hands off?  Some think that delegating is about telling people what to do and waiting for them to report back.  If you’ve tried that you’ve likely been sorely disappointed.  Delegation is another great development opportunity.  But there are a few bases you need to cover first:


1.    When defining the outcome, invite your direct reports to weigh in and be part of the process.

2.    Make sure you are crystal clear about what you expect in terms of periodic check-ins (when, how, how often, under what circumstances…)

3.    Communicate, discuss, define and align around any other expectations (behaviors, conflict management, deadlines…)

4.    Dare to trust.  This is fundamental.  If you fail to let your team know you trust them to deliver, they will likely fail to deliver.  Even worse, they may not trust you in return. So assume the best intentions and if things go awry, you can address it then.  

5.    One thing the most successful leaders do early on is begin grooming a successor.  I know that may seem like a strange thing to be thinking about, but you’ll need someone good under you to be able to move up more easily when the time comes, or free you up to address more strategic issues, or even help maintain the status quo when you’re out of the office.   Somehow, thinking about how your team will run without you helps gain perspective on what needs to be done, and what the team’s potential actually looks like.  

6.    Don’t forget to focus upward too.  You were likely an influential force before you were promoted so make sure to continue leveraging that skill as you “manage up”.  Behave with your direct manager in the same way (you hope) your team members will behave with you.


·      Don’t lose faith.  This is an important stage in your professional development—one that requires you to think differently and deeply about your core strengths, your values, and how you want to show up to your leaders, your peers and your employees. 

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Get out of your way

Do you ever get in your own way? Keep going when you know you need to step back and breathe? Maybe you DO-- but you just don’t know it. As leaders, we tend to launch ourselves into overdrive only to crash and burn…

For the past year, most of us have been working in overdrive. and remembering to check in with ourselves has become increasingly more difficult. We often waste precious energy on continuing to forge ahead until our bodies or our brains shout out in protest. Take me, for example. Today I finally had no choice but to lay low with a fever and strep (and yet here I sit writing this…). The message is clear—when the speed at which we careen through life becomes too much, we have to make a conscious decision to slow down and check in with ourselves. It doesn't mean we turn off completely and go on vacation (as nice as that sounds), rather it means we don’t cavalierly dismiss the telltale signs that we’re headed toward a downward spiral. It means we listen to ourselves (and others, by the way) when the pressure is starting to surround us.

HOW we take care of ourselves is very individualized. For one leader, it could mean taking time out in the morning to go for a 10-mile run. For another leader it could mean paying more attention to eating complete and healthy meals rather than grabbing fast food on the run. For yet another leader, it could mean sitting down with the team to share what’s happening and discuss ways to reduce the pressure. And maybe for someone else it could be getting at least 7 hours of sleep at night. By setting the intention to make even minor changes, we will be more cognizant of our energy levels on a daily basis and more able to incrementally replenish them before we run out of steam completely.

The more we are able to recognize and address those initial, subtle symptoms, the better able we will be to take things in stride, share the load, and increase transparency with the team.

Speaking of the team, how many of you have been guilty at one time or another of overworking your stars? And even though you know you it’s important, you can’t seem to make time to develop others’ talents so that you can depend on more than a handful. In the beginning, many employees like to be relied upon. They enjoy their status as “stars”. But that wears off as they can begin to feel used and abused. Even if they like, trust and respect their boss, a seed of resentment germinates and if untended, it can result in burnout.

So, if you’ve got leadership or management responsibilities, take note. Tune into yourself first. Because if you get good at recognizing the signs in yourself, you’re more likely to be able to recognize them in others. You might even turn it into a collective “team” campaign in which team members watch out for each other, ensuring that no one person carries the load alone for too long—including you.

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The Truth About "Growth Mindset"

Language of Listening

Feeling Reactive?

The Key to Self Validation

Is Self-Validation Overrated?  I think not…

These days people are so busy running from one commitment to another that they have little time to reflect on their inner thoughts, experiences, or feelings—let alone accept them—which is at the heart of self-validation.  Think for a moment of someone at work who always seems to need affirmation and attention. Or maybe you have a colleague who comes across as overly dramatic or negative, looking to criticize.  Often, it’s because when we can’t self-validate (acknowledge and accept our thoughts/feelings), we try to get others to do it for us through our (often annoying and disruptive) behavior.  As you might well imagine, that’s not very productive.  

In our horse-assisted sessions, such behavior is not uncommon as people are often working with a horse for the first time.  We see others’ tendencies to judge how someone leads a horse, or how they handle situations when the horse isn’t responding to their instructions. But through thoughtful and gentle conversations between participants and with the facilitator, participants come to see that their behaviors often originate from an internal self-belief or past experience that no longer serves them. The best part is, this understanding typically comes in the form of an epiphany they experience as a result of the process.  There is no need or requirement to share with others.   After all, the horses are simply friendly beings who have been invited to share space with us. They have no agendas other than to reflect back how they are experiencing us moment by moment—because that’s how they live in the world. It is in those reflections where we find the solutions to our challenges.

Why is self-validation so important?  Because when we don’t make space for our thoughts/feelings/experiences (by denying, ignoring or arguing against them) our internal pressure builds.  Sometimes this pressure implodes causing us deep distress until we process whatever it was that triggered us.  Sometimes it erupts outwardly, and we behave atypically with colleagues and employees—again, feeling calmer in the wake of the eruption (even if we’ve created a rift with our co-workers in the process). In both cases, the effect can be long-lasting as it ripples out and influences many aspects of our lives. So being able to let things in and out again, brings us to a more balanced, calm and grounded state.  

Our program facilitation is designed around experience and expression.  Each exercise is processed individually-- and collectively to enhance personal and group learning.  Participants soon realize the strength that comes with team debriefs and typically discover that theirs is a truly safe environment in which to share.   Simply put, it means giving ourselves permission to fully experience whatever is coming up.  We’ve all been in situations in which we felt uncomfortable expressing something, whether it’s sadness, anger or even great joy!  By bringing to mind such a situation, we often ‘feel’ the same physical sensation we experienced when it first occurred. That’s an indication that we’re still carrying our reaction deep inside.  All it takes is to revisit the trigger at a time when we’re feeling balanced and strong to eliminate the “charge” we carried.  With validation, the pressure dissipates.  
What does it take to really self-validate? When working with horses, our clients often have (silent) “conversations” with their non-judgmental equine partners who simply won’t allow the inauthenticity that comes with the denial of our thoughts and feelings—particularly when those thoughts and feelings fail to align with our actions.  In those brief, shared moments together, people feel safe to ‘let go’ and ‘get real’.  The result is immediately palpable and observable. The body language of both horse and human softens, becomes more fluid and the pair begins to move with greater ease and in greater alignment.

The key is acknowledgement.  When we have thoughts and feelings that don’t reflect our core values, or we know deep down that they are simply  not true or are unjustified, and if we fight it and judge ourselves for having them, we upset our emotional balance and forego the opportunity to learn something about ourselves.  We aren’t able to ask ourselves: “What’s really behind those thoughts?”  “What’s driving me to feel this way and WHY?”  That’s why it is so important for us as facilitators to create a safe environment where EVERYONE is able to explore their triggers together.  And with the help of the horses, all judgment fades away and what emerges is understanding, empathy and support.

So acknowledgement is all it takes.  The problem is that we’ve all created so many behavioral expectations--particularly at work--that no one wants to ‘break the mold’ by expressing or acknowledging what they’re really thinking.  The good news is we don’t really have to cry, laugh, shriek or yell—all we have to do is INTERNALLY acknowledge what’s there. Once we self-acknowledge, the feelings begin to let go. We can always open the valve later and do our shrieking, laughing, crying or yelling if we still feel the need. ☺  However, there are a few things to keep in mind for learning to better self-validate:

1.   Allow yourself to experience intense feelings without pushing them away. Simply ponder it—nothing more.  Just be present to them. There is no need or expectation to act-- only to be present to them without judgement.  Sometimes when we’re working with horses it triggers something within us that becomes evident in our body language and/or posture. Take the time to get curious about what’s behind the feeling.

2.   Try to name the feeling. Think about the trigger and where it shows up in your body. Is it stuck in your gut? Throat? Neck? Think about when the situation occurred.  No need to act on it, just observe.

3.   Think about how someone else might feel in the same situation.  Or think about how you’d like to react—even if it’s inappropriate. It will help you understand what’s coming up and why. Sometimes giving it your best guess when you’re struggling to name it works surprisingly well.

4.   Consider past events that have triggered the same reactions or feelings. Sometimes, when we can identify a pattern, the puzzle begins to resolve, and we begin to understand the trigger. Is there something in the horse’s response that has triggered you?  When else have you felt that way?  What did you do about it?  What ELSE could you do?

5.   Let go of “should or shouldn’t” because everyone experiences emotions all the time.  There’s no right or wrong here. Follow the horses’ lead.  One minute they respond and the next minute they “go back to grazing”. 

6.   Be painfully honest with YOURSELF and then get comfortable with being YOU.  I once was told “We are not our patterns OR our behaviors”.  Those, we can change, but we cannot and never want to change who we are… 

Lastly, validating others helps us with self-validation.  Because when we are generous in our validation of others, we somehow learn how to self-validate and become stronger.  We learn that emotions are information providing us with valuable clues to what’s really important for us, what we care about most, what we want to safeguard and how we want to move through the world. It’s not about judging one’s thoughts/feelings as appropriate or inappropriate, it’s simply about acknowledging them as legitimate and honest, giving those thoughts space to exist for right now. And what we do for others, we must learn to do for ourselves…

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Self Leadership

How can we lead others until we know how to lead ourselves?  Many of us have fallen victim to an inexperienced or otherwise challenging manager—someone who is responsible for our wellbeing and our output but seems to have difficulty engaging his/her team. It seems to be true what people say--”You can’t lead others until you know how to lead yourself!”  

What does it take to get good at self-leadership?  First, it typically entails taking time to reflect – preferably in an environment where one can relax and think. In fact, we often have our best insights to problems, challenges and questions when we take a break by ‘leaving the scene’ and changing the environment.  And passing the time with a herd of horses seems to be just what people need to detach, refocus, reflect, recharge and…reframe. 

So what are the fundamentals of self-leadership?  First, we must learn to deeply and thoroughly LISTEN to ourselves and others—not the idle mind chatter that flows through in and out of our  heads constantly or the attention we give to the tension or aches our body is experiencing. Listening is “active”—it’s about what we DO with what we hear.  Do we ignore it? Do we acknowledge and then act upon it?  Do we respond to it with the same consideration we would to someone close to us? 

Self-leadership is first about listening inward with real intention and attention to what you hear, and to actively decide whether or not you choose to act upon it.  Our work with horses is centered upon being totally present to what we’re thinking, feeling and experiencing at any given moment—both psychologically and physically. (After all, because of their size and nobility, they are hard to ignore.)  

Another key aspect is that horses typically communicate with us non-verbally, requiring us to tune in to and act upon what we see, experience and even intuit when we’re with them in a way that sharpens those skills for our communication with others.  Once we get accustomed to tuning in in this very focused, yet more comprehensive manner, we learn to find the best ways to express what we’re ‘hearing’, making it much easier to take action.

How much do you know about your strengths?  HOW do you know what they are?  It’s no surprise to learn that we all do our best work when we’re PLAYING TO OUR STRENGTHS.  But that assumes we have an accurate assessment of what those strengths are.  While we might experience self-satisfaction when applying what we believe is a strength, we can learn a lot about our strengths from feedback.  Sometimes we have hidden strengths, and sometimes we’re blind to our gaps, perhaps even thinking they’re actually our strengths. 

You might say that feedback is merely someone’s perceptions-- and you would be right.  But perceptions count.  All good leaders care about how they are being perceived.  It’s very important information which we can choose to act upon-- or not.  But knowing how we stand out enables us to leverage those strengths—and being aware of our gaps relative to others means that we have a great opportunity to either work to close them, or learn to compensate for them.  A Vice President from a global IT company brought her team to me.  She was engaged in an exercise 1:1 with a horse who eventually became disengaged and then anxious.  The VP was visibly upset and became (even more) demanding. When nothing helped, she suddenly rounded in on herself and put her head in her hands.  She then walked over to her team and said “I am so sorry.  I now see that this is exactly what I do to all of you. When I’m frustrated and not getting the results I want, I become upset and demanding, making you anxious as a result.  Please forgive me…”

It’s not easy to do this work on our own. We all need a little help from time to time.  Some of us will engage the services of a MENTOR/COACH to challenge us, and in doing so, they support us in our process.  If they’re good, they reflect back to us how we may be perceived by others in ways we might never have known on our own.  In horse-assisted leadership development, the horses often informally assume the role of mentor in that they quietly but clearly provide feedback to us about what’s working and what’s not in a way that just cannot be ignored.   

For example, we’ve all experienced someone we believe behaves with arrogance. Maybe s/he is a brilliant colleague who doesn’t seem to value others’ knowledge. Or perhaps there’s a manager who thinks s/he has all the answers. It’s likely that we too have elements of arrogance within us.  Well, you can be sure your equine “mentor” will set the record straight.  Self-leadership is about becoming aware of all of our limiting thoughts, feelings, stories, beliefs and actions—and addressing them as they become known to us.  That’s where the horses do their best work.  

But it’s not all about “fixing” our gaps.  It’s also recognizing what we need to succeed. I wonder how many of us ever gave it much thought...  Our preferences for HOW we work are likely hard-wired to some degree so it’s worth learning more about those preferences so we can honor them.  In addition, it’s important to understand how we learn best.  Are we visual learners? Auditory? Do we learn better as part of a team?  Alone?  Do we prefer specific directives which we can then follow to the letter? Or do we like to find our own path to the goals that have been established for us? Do we enjoy playing an advisory role or do we thrive most when we’re the decision-maker?  All these choices, and more, are part of how we like to learn.  And they matter—a lot.

In our team exercises with the horses, participants experiment with wearing different hats and assuming different roles, from leader to follower to supporter to bystander,  often understanding more deeply where they feel most comfortable and in what roles/situations they thrive.  What makes these exercises so powerful is that there is no judgement because, after all, they’re not in the office—they’re in a field with horses!  But make no mistake about it, the insights they experience find their way deep within and take hold…

And then there are relationships for which every leader must take responsibility.  When we’re working closely with ANYONE—manager, employees, colleagues, clients, service providers—the more we know about who and how they are, the better able we will be to create the most harmonious and successful relationships.  This of course, means we must accept them for who they are—complete with their strengths, their foibles, their work approach—their values.  After all, they have as much right to be who they are as we do to be who WE are.  Learning as much as we can about others enables us to leverage their strengths, values, ways of working, and more to our mutual advantage. 

Self-leadership is no secret.

Self-leadership is a very private matter that becomes public when you step into the role of leading others.  Few people are able to be as consistent, direct, patient and accurate as our equine facilitators in giving feedback.  They live and breathe mindfulness.  They form no judgements.  They don’t talk about you with anyone. They model what it means to just be yourself, and they keep us grounded in the moment as we explore the edges of who we are and how we want to be.  It takes courage to want to know, it’s true—but once you know, you’ve already traveled a good distance down the path.


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The Essence of Presence

Stick Your Neck Out!

Our Many Faces...

Face Your Fears


Reciprocity is an integral part of building relationships.  Without it, there will BE no relationship, which is why it is the foundation of all relationships...

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About Mindfulness...


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Cultivating Trust

Almost as hard as CULTIVATING TRUST, is DEFINING it.  Our perspective on the meaning of trust influences who one defines it.  

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Addressing Conflict

Do you ever wish you could get away with sticking your tongue out at someone like we may have done when we were kids? 

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Dealing with Distractions

When is the last time you were derailed by something in your immediate environment?

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Acknowledging Blindspots

How do our blind spots influence our decisions and actions?

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Psychological Safety

Stepping back from the stress of our day to day to reconnect from time to time is vital... 

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Slowing Down...

What Happens When Leaders Slow Their Pace?

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